The Cultural Federations of Nova Scotia (CFNS) manages and administrates a shared facility which houses resident member federations, currently located at 1113 Marginal Road, Halifax, NS. We are seeking a full resident member to occupy office space (approx. 675sq.ft – 300 sqft upstairs and 375sq.ft downstairs). As a resident member you will also have access to a boardroom, photocopiers, mail and fax machines, a shared kitchen and event space.
The Cultural Federations of Nova Scotia (CFNS) is a non-profit organization registered under the Societies Act, whose purpose is to operate a facility that houses its resident cultural organizations as well as providing facilities for numerous cultural, political and public groups to conduct meetings, rehearsals and workshops. The current organizations are: Dance Nova Scotia, Theatre Nova Scotia, Nova Scotia Choral Federation, Association of Nova Scotia Museums, Writers’ Federation of Nova Scotia, Nova Scotia Designer Crafts Council and Visual Arts Nova Scotia. All of the resident members are registered charities. The Cultural Federations of Nova Scotia was founded in 1977 and is funded through an annual operating grant from the Nova Scotia Department of Communities, Culture, and Heritage. CFNS employs a p/t administrator to oversee and manage the shared equipment/services as well as the Benefits and Pension plans.
A full member must be a non-profit cultural organization with a provincial mandate who receives operating funds from the NS Department of Communities, Culture and Heritage or Arts Nova Scotia. The organization must employ at least one paid staff person (minimum 20 hours/week) and carry commercial insurance.
A full member shall be entitled to the following:
1. office space,
2. shared equipment and services,
3. a seat on the Board with full voting privileges on all matters, including in-house matters;
4. participation in group medical,, pension, and other plans;
The success of CFNS relies on the cooperative operation of our shared facility and services. In exchange for our amazing facility, all staff from each federation must pitch in and take responsibility for our space. As a full member, there is an expectation to actively participate and regularly attend board and committee meetings including bi-weekly management committee meetings. The CFNS Board of Directors consists of 2 representatives of each full member: the Executive Director or Senior Staff Person of the full member and an Appointed Representative from the full member. Full members must pay annual dues as determined by the Board of Directors and pay all invoices for shared services within 30 days.
Please include the following documents:
1. Copy of your By-Laws
2. Copy of your Mandate and Mission Statement as well as Date of Incorporation.
3. Year-End Financials from the past 3 years
4. Proof of commercial insurance
5. List of your organization’s current Board of Directors and staff
6. Include your space/office needs as well as possible date to move in
Please address your application or other inquiries to:
Jackie Burke, Office Administrator
or by mail
CFNS, 1113 Marginal Road, Halifax, NS B3H 4P7
A copy of the CFNS By-Laws and Year-End financials will be made available upon request.