
The Nova Scotia Choral Federation is a voluntary not-for-profit organization which exists to serve the needs of the choral community, to raise public awareness and to foster an appreciation and enjoyment of choral music. We promote the art of choral music in Nova Scotia. We encourage high standards of artistic achievement and provide technical expertise and training.

History of the Organization

Founded in 1976 the Nova Scotia Choral Federation (NSCF) took its place as one of eight Cultural Federations (CFNS) supported by the provincial government. We enjoy a good arms-length relationship with the Department of Communities, Culture and Heritage. The Federation is a charity registered as the Nova Scotia Choral Federation – 119063311 RP0001.

The Federation is one of eight provincial choral federations. NSCF has developed an excellent complement of programs and services. Our Junior Choir Camp, begun in 1979, was the model for similar camps in both Ontario and Saskatchewan. We are one of three provinces that have an auditioned provincial youth choir and the only province in Canada to provide Adult Choir Camp, a weeklong, non-auditioned, program.

Vision Statements

  • Because of the leadership shown by the Nova Scotia Choral Federation, there is widespread participation in choral music throughout Nova Scotia.
  • There are opportunities for all program alumni to stay involved in the Federation’s activities.
  • All school children experience choral singing.
  • Networking takes place with provincial, national and international choral communities.
  • There is training to encourage and support choral conducting, and professional, well-paid opportunities for both emerging and established artists.
  • There is a choral learning and performance centre, as well as regional performance venues where choral music is welcomed.
  • Corporations and governments recognize the valuable role choral music plays in enriching society and demonstrate their understanding through active support.