If you are organizing an event that you feel would be a great addition to the Events Calendar of the Nova Scotia Choral Federation, please log in as a member. Please note that the information submitted through this form will also be used when sending out the weekly ENotes eNewsletter.
Atlantic Barbershop Chorus Champions ScotianAires invite you to an evening of memorable music at their upcoming concert “Music Speaks Louder Than Words” with guest artists acclaimed Canadian singer-songwriter Allison Crowe and award winning women’s barbershop quartet, Tonic!.
ScotianAires is a 57-voice women’s barbershop chorus specializing in four-part a cappella harmony who truly believe: Music Speaks Louder Than Words.
Audience members are also invited to join us after the show in the lobby of the Bella Rose Arts Centre for more music, food (donate and dine) and camaraderie at our “Afterglow” party!
Advance tickets are just $20 ($15- 12 and under) or $25 online after March 1, 2017. Contact any chorus member or go to www.scotianaires.ca/tickets.