If you are organizing an event that you feel would be a great addition to the Events Calendar of the Nova Scotia Choral Federation, please log in as a member. Please note that the information submitted through this form will also be used when sending out the weekly ENotes eNewsletter.

Songs for a Winter’s Night – Acadia University Singers

Acadia University School of Music - Denton Hall

In Wolfville on Tuesday, November 26, the Acadia University Singers present “Songs for a Winter’s Night” – a concert of seasonal music that explores different perspectives on winter.  As part of the program, the Singers and special guest cellist Connor Cornick will perform Sarah Quartel’s “Snow Angel,” a 5-movement cycle for choir, piano, and cello …

Donation at the door
Event Series EMSNS Madrigal Group New Season

EMSNS Madrigal Group New Season

Faith City Church 6225 Summit St, Halifax, Nova Scotia

EMSNS Madrigal Group new session starts November 7 Do you enjoy laughing and learning while you sing? The Early Music Society of Nova Scotia Madrigal Group is a relaxed a cappella ensemble that meets on Thursday mornings to sing a wide variety of Renaissance music, directed by Andrew Pickett. Join us as we frolic with …

South Shore Singing Program – Capella Regalis Choirs

St, John Anglican Church Lunenburg, NS

New, Free South Shore Singing Program - Capella Regalis Choirs / Nick Halley Every Thursday in Lunenburg, starting November 14 Capella Regalis Choirs is excited to announce the launch of a new FREE singing program on the South Shore for children ages 8 - 12! The program consists of weekly group singing workshops led by …

Songs of the Season – Nova Voce & The Halifax Boys Honour Choir

St. Andrew's United Church 6036 Coburg Road, Halifax, NS, Canada

Songs of the Season Friday, November 29, 2024 St. Andrew’s United Church 7:00PM 6036 Coburg Road Halifax, NS Special guests - Halifax Boys Honour Choir and a quartet from the Sackville Community Band Tickets: Adults $20 Students (6 - 16) / Underaged $10 Children 5 and under: Free Tickets available from Nova Voce members on …

$10 – $20

Songs for a Winter’s Night – Acadia University Singers

St. John's Anglican Church 64 Townsend Street, Lunenburg, NS, Canada

In Lunenburg on Friday, November 29, the Acadia University Singers present “Songs for a Winter’s Night” – a concert of seasonal music that explores different perspectives on winter.  As part of the program, the Singers and special guest cellist Connor Cornick will perform Sarah Quartel’s “Snow Angel,” a 5-movement cycle for choir, piano, and cello …

Donation at the door

A Choral Celebration

St. Mary's Basilica 5221 Spring Garden Road, Halifax, NS

Per Amore – Giocoso Community Choir

Christ Church, Dartmouth 50 Wentworth Street, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada

A concert of exploring not just romantic love, but worship, dedication, passion, and more. Featuring the music of Stephen Chatman, John Lennon, Andrew Lloyd Webber, and Hozier, among others. Tickets will be available from choir members, online, and at the door. Be sure to arrive early to claim one of the new comfy chairs in …


Event Series Sundays at Four Fall Evensong Series

Sundays at Four Fall Evensong Series

Cathedral Church of All Saints 1330 Cathedral Ln, Halifax, NS, Canada

Sundays at Four Fall Evensong Series - Capella Regalis Choirs & All Saints Cathedral Choir Every Sunday at 4 pm, September - December  Find respite and inspiration with free choral music each Sunday at 4 pm! As part of the Cathedral's 'Sundays at Four' series, there will be Choral Evensong every Sunday from September to December, …

Elemental: Music of the Spheres – Seton Conservatory Choir

Maritime Conservatory of Performing Arts

Seton Conservatory Choir presents: Elemental: Music of the Spheres 7:00 pm, Sunday, 1 December 2024, at the Lilian Piercey Hall of the Maritime Conservatory of Performing Arts. Garth Macphee, Conductor and Dean Bradshaw, collaborative pianist and guest soloist. Pauline Josey will provide additional violin accompaniment. Tickets $25 regular admission and $15 Conservatory students; available from …

$15 – $25