CBC Maritime Noon: “Are you missing the joy of singing in choir?”

Yesterday, NSCF Executive Director Tim Callahan-Cross  and Nova Scotia Mass Choir Treasurer Tamar Pryor Brown joined Bob Murphy on CBC Maritime Noon.  Joined by choristers throughout the Atlantic provinces,  the panel discussed the  experience of the choral community since the outbreak of COVID-19.

To listen to the full interview, visit CBC Maritime Noon’s webpage, by clicking here.

Quarantunes #4: A Biweekly Choral Playlist

Welcome to the fourth installment of QuaranTunes, the NSCF’s biweekly playlist of choral music. This week’s playlist celebrates the choral music of Black composers.

Have any song suggestions?  Suggest a song for a future playlist by completing this form,  QuaranTunes: Song Suggestion Form.  As this is a curated playlist, your suggestion may not appear in the subsequent E-notes; though we will try our best to make sure that all suggestions are used at some point. We look forward to hearing what choral music you have been listening to during this time!

British Columbia Choral Federation Virtual Town Hall – Session #3: Same Storm, Different Boats

Panelists Ed Schneider (BBA, Willan Council), Linda Dier (Nanaimo Sings!), Nina Horvath (Vancouver Bach Choir), and Willi Zwozdesky (BC Choral Federation) lead a finance-focused discussion on management, budgeting and operations challenges in the age of COVID-19.

Recorded live on June 18, this was the third in a series of Virtual Town Hall sessions designed to explore the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on BC’s choral community in various ways. While this information is at times specific to BC, this Virtual Town Hall also provides some insights on the uncertainties of singing at this time.  


Continued Office Closure until Labour Day

The Nova Scotia Choral Federation office will remain closed to the public until at least after Labour Day Weekend. The NSCF is currently working with the other organizations of the Cultural Federations of Nova Scotia  to develop protocols for visitors in our shared office space.  Should you need to return music or drop off anything to the NSCF office, there is a drop box that can be accessed in the main hallway  at 1113 Marginal Road.

Please contact Tim (tim@nscf.ca) or Ryan (ryan@nscf.ca) if you have any questions.

British Columbia Choral Federation Virtual Town Hall – Session #1 (Safe Singing)

BC Choral Federation (BCCF) Executive Director Willi Zwozdesky (Vancouver Men’s Chorus) and Morna Edmundson (Elektra Women’s Choir/Enchor) are joined in conversation by Dr. Michael Schwandt (Medical Health Officer – Vancouver Coastal Health, and formerly with BC Centre for Disease Control).

Recorded live on May 21, this was the first in a series of Virtual Town Hall sessions designed to explore the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on BC’s choral community in various ways. Session #1 provided much-needed insight into the current uncertainties surrounding the safety of group singing here in BC.

While this information is at times specific to BC, this Virtual Town Hall also provides some insights on the uncertainties of singing at this time.  






Office Closure due to COVID-19 – Update

Dear Members,

An update on our office closure:

Staff will be working remotely for the foreseeable future. The office will be closed and access to photocopy services suspended during this time. Our re-open date will be continually re-assessed as the situation develops.

We are still working hard on processing a high volume of refunds for Sing Out and CCNS. We ask for your patience as we work to get these to you as soon as possible. 

You can reach Tim Callahan-Cross, Executive Director, (tim@nscf.ca), Ryan Henwood, Program Coordinator, (programs@nscf.ca) and Katharine (Kyle) Vingoe-Cram, Administrator, (katharine@nscf.ca) at their respective email addresses, which they will be checking regularly from home.

We will continue to provide updates on the choral community on our Facebook. Many upcoming choral events have been cancelled or postponed – we have tried to make note of the cancellations we are aware of in our Events Calendar.

If you are looking to sign out music during this time, let us know by email and we will see what we can accomplish.

All the best & Stay safe,

The NSCF Team

Seeking Billets for Canadian Chamber Choir

The Nova Scotia Choral Federation is seeking billets to host members of the Canadian Chamber Choir during their visit to Halifax at the end of March.

Billets will be required to host the Canadian Chamber Choir for the evening of March 27th, 2020, and provide breakfast on the Saturday morning. Lunch will be provided by the NSCF during our Sing Out event.

If you are interested in hosting one of the choristers, please contact Program Coordinator, Ryan Henwood, at ryan@nscf.ca.



Audition for Nova Scotia Youth Choir!

Nova Scotia Youth Choir applications are NOW OPEN!

 The Nova Scotia Choral Federation is ecstatic to celebrate the 30th Anniversary of the Nova Scotia Youth Choir! Through auditions, approximately 40 singers ages 16-25 will be chosen to work with a faculty of fine musicians dedicated to excellence in vocal performance and musicianship. They will provide them a challenging opportunity to work, develop and perform choral music together at a very high calibre.

This year, choristers will be working with Dr. Christina Murray, artistic director of Xara Choral Theatre Ensemble and head of choral studies at Dalhousie University.

Christina holds an honours undergraduate degree in music (voice/conducting) and philosophy from Mount Allison University, has done graduate work in feminist liturgical practices, and has subsequently studied conducting with Diane Loomer, Jon Washburn, Michael Zaugg, and Elise Bradley. Also an active and accomplished choral singer, as a young person she was selected for two tours with the National Youth Choir of Canada and has frequently sung with the Canadian Chamber Choir since  2007.

Christina served as head of choral studies at Kodaikanal International School in South India from 2002-2004 and has twice served as resident conductor of the Nova Scotia Youth Choir (2005-06 and 2017-18). She is dedicated to the vibrant future (and present!) of choral music in her province and nation.


Important Dates & Info: 

Application Deadline: March 31, 2020

Application Form

Audition Dates:  April 18, 2020 (Overflow Date April 19, 2020), Dalhousie Arts Centre

Video Audition Deadline: April 18th, 2020

Visit our Website for complete details

Key Contact: Progams Coordinator, Ryan Henwood, programs@nscf.ca / 902-423-4688. Ryan will help you with all things NSYC!

Register now for Juvenata!

Juvenata 2020 Registration is now open!


Juvenata is an opportunity to get away and Sing! Come rehearse, sing, and perform in a fun environment with singers from across Nova Scotia and beyond.  Juvenata is open to choirs or individual choristers from grades 7-12.  This year we are again joining forces with the Atlantic Festival of Music and offering an expanded three day event that will welcome choirs and singers from Nova Scotia and beyond. Juvenata 2020 will include an extra day of adjudication and clinics for choirs led by Carrie Tennant at St. Andrew’s United Church. There will also be more social time including a Friday evening performance with special guest choir, Sirens.

Key Info & Dates:

Guest Conductor: Carrie Tenant
Dates: April 30 – May 20, 2020

Questions: Contact our Programs Coordinator, Ryan Henwood at programs@nscf.ca