Dear Members,
An update on our office closure:
Staff will be working remotely for the foreseeable future. The office will be closed and access to photocopy services suspended during this time. Our re-open date will be continually re-assessed as the situation develops.
We are still working hard on processing a high volume of refunds for Sing Out and CCNS. We ask for your patience as we work to get these to you as soon as possible.
You can reach Tim Callahan-Cross, Executive Director, (, Ryan Henwood, Program Coordinator, ( and Katharine (Kyle) Vingoe-Cram, Administrator, ( at their respective email addresses, which they will be checking regularly from home.
We will continue to provide updates on the choral community on our Facebook. Many upcoming choral events have been cancelled or postponed – we have tried to make note of the cancellations we are aware of in our Events Calendar.
If you are looking to sign out music during this time, let us know by email and we will see what we can accomplish.
All the best & Stay safe,
The NSCF Team