Reach your audience through our programs

Advertising is available in NSCF Concert Programs for the coming season. We would love to share your business, event or performance with our audience! We are offering advertising opportunities in all four or any one of the following concert programs:

  • Children’s Chorus of Nova Scotia Concert (April annually)
    CCNS will feature over 100 young singers from across Nova Scotia. Under the direction of internationally renowned guest conductors CCNS is sure to be a sell out audience. Ad copy due late March.
  • Junior, Youth and Adult Choir Camp Concerts (August annually)
    Camp concerts take place at the end of each of the camps. Participants come from across Nova Scotia and on average we anticipate 240 + singers and staff will take part. We also anticipate an audience of 500 + at the concerts. Ad copy due August 1.
  • Nova Scotia Youth Choir:  (September Annually)
    This auditioned choir performs two to three concerts, locations change based on project and concert tour. Typically one concert is in Metro HRM. Ad copy due September 1.

If you are interested in reserving space, please contact or (902) 423-4688.


Advertise In All Three Concert Programs

1. Children’s Chorus of Nova Scotia Concert – April (Colour inside front and back pages and back page)
2. Junior, Youth And Adult Choir Camp Concerts – August (no Colour)
3. Nova Scotia Youth Choir – September (Colour inside front and back pages and back page)

Back Cover $500
Inside Back or Front Cover $400
Full Page $300
½ Page $250
¼ Page $175
Business Card $125

Advertise In One Or More Concert Programs

1. Children’s Chorus Of Nova Scotia Concert – April
2. Junior, Youth And Adult Choir Camp Concerts – August
3. Nova Scotia Youth Choir – September

Back Cover $200
Inside Back or Front Cover $150
Full Page $125
½ Page $95
¼ Page $75
Business Card $50

Ad Size And Format

Concert programs will be printed as 8.5”X14” folded (4.25”X7”). Ads should be formatted as per sizes below. Acceptable file formats are: PDF, JPG or PNG. Please email attachments to

Ad Size (Width X Height)

  • Business Card (3” X 2”)
  • 1/4 Page Vertical (3.125” X 3.875”)
  • 1/2 Page Vertical (3.125” X 7.75”)
  • 1/2 Page Horizontal (6.25” X 3.875”)
  • Full Page – (6.25” X 7.75”)