If you are organizing an event that you feel would be a great addition to the Events Calendar of the Nova Scotia Choral Federation, please log in as a member. Please note that the information submitted through this form will also be used when sending out the weekly ENotes eNewsletter.

Musique Royale: Milton String Quartet and Philip Chiu

Cecilia's Retreat 1199 Oakland Road, Mahone Bay, Nova Scotia, Canada

Musique Royale is thrilled to welcome Philip Chiu and the Milton String Quartet to perform at Cecilia’s Retreat. The prestigious ensemble based out of Montreal, Quebec has soared quickly to great heights since their formation at McGill University’s Schulich School of Music in 2015. It comes as no surprise that the exceptional Canadian pianist, Philip …



Cecilia's Retreat 1199 Oakland Road, Mahone Bay, Nova Scotia, Canada

Hear the musical magic of guitar duo Steve Cowan and Adam Cicchillitti, presenting an intimate house concert incorporating musical strength and refinement! $35, limited seating Please email: barbara.butler@ns.sympatico.ca
