ArtsVote is Here! We Need YOUR Help! Advocate for your choral community!

Join ArtsVote!
The upcoming federal election is vital and we need to ensure that arts are front and center. The Coalition for the Arts in Canada has been working behind the scenes for a few months now, meeting with politicians and party leadership to push for Arts and Culture to be explicitly outlined as part of the their party platforms. 

We have asked at a minimum for that to include a commitment to a 1% allocation of the federal budget (not GDP) to Arts and culture through increases to both the Canada Council for the Arts and the Department of Canadian Heritage.

ArtsVote is non partisan, but it must be LOUD! 

We have 850,000 cultural workers across Canada and we need all parties to recognize that we need to be at the table.  We want to hear from all of you, plus all the people who have kids in dance classes, who attend the theatre, who sing in a group, who love listening to music at a festival, or reading a Canadian novel.  

The Coalition for the Arts in Canada is working hard on behalf of our membership and sector at large to be ready for the earliest possible election call. This includes three streams of advocacy at the same time: 

Political – to engage with all the parties on your behalf and with the guidance of PAA Advisory and ensure we are reminding them of the sector’s vital importance needs;
Sectoral – to give organisations, cultural workers and artists specific tools – both advocacy kits and social media strategies – to make certain that voters are informed and actively engaged in the voting process;
Public – to be part of the larger public conversation and reach the general public to to remind them of the role arts play in their communities.


Your knowledge, passion, experience (and your networks)! Once the campaign launches, we need you to share the assets ArtsVote generates as widely as possible! We need everyone’s capacity to give us a hand so that we can run the most effective ArtsVote campaign possible. 

If you are a member of the Coalition, sign up HERE to be part of the ArtsVote working group and contribute your skills to the campaign; If you aren’t a member, use THIS SIGN-UP FORM  to join a ArtsVote Volunteer Corps.