Celebration for Tim Cross.

At the end of May, life will change at the Nova Scotia Choral Federation. Tim Cross is retiring.

Tim has been with the Choral Federation for 34 years, 26 of which he has served as our Executive Director. With dedication, knowledge, compassion, and a deep belief in the power of choral music and of community, Tim has guided our organization and its volunteer boards and committees through the ups and downs every arts organization knows well. He has seen us safely through challenges ranging from budget cuts and moves to hurricanes and COVID.

Throughout his tenure Tim has also been a wise and experienced presence in the wider arts and culture field, both at home and as a strong advocate for Nova Scotia in organizations across Canada. We are going to miss him deeply, but we know his retirement is well-timed and well- earned. 

We are inviting choral friends and colleagues to join us at the Choral Federation office, 1113 Marginal Road, Halifax, NS B3H 4P7 on June 21 at 6:30 to celebrate Tim’s career and wish him well.  To help us plan, please RSVP to Jackie – jrchambers@me.com

If you cannot attend in person, we hope you will choose to be here in spirit. We’re collecting greetings and reminiscences to be shared during the event. Please email to jrchambers@me.com or regular mail to the office address above.

We hope you can join us.

The board of the Nova Scotia Choral Federation