Choral Canada: Register for PODIUM 2022 today!

PODIUM is Choral Canada’s national biennial bilingual choral conference and festival. This multi-day celebration brings together participants from across the country and beyond who are passionate about group singing. PODIUM 2022 is our opportunity to gather with friends new and old in Toronto, one of the world’s most multicultural and exciting cities.

Together, we will explore the theme of “Reimagine, Rebuild, Reconnect”. With the challenges and opportunities presented by the pandemic and the strengthening of collective calls for equity and justice, we have the powerful opportunity to reimagine the possibilities of our choral community. We can build together, with an inspired and intentional purpose, and we can nourish and expand connections throughout our broader singing community. By sharing performances and ideas, and creating space for curiosity, listening, reflection, and dialogue, PODIUM 2022 aims to inspire all who thrill at the sound of voices joined together in song

PODIUM 2022 will be held in Toronto, May 19-23. The event will be held for the first time in a hybrid format, expanding options for participation by supporting both in-person and virtual attendees. The five-day schedule will combine performers and presenters from PODIUM 2020 and new voices for PODIUM 2022, yet another way that this will be a PODIUM like no other as the choral community reimagines, rebuilds and reconnects.

For more information, visit