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Acadia University Singers: “Singing IN Flanders Fields”

st john's anglican church lunenburg 64 Townsend Street, Lunenburg

On Friday, April 19, the Acadia University Singers will perform their concert program “Singing ‘In Flanders Fields’: Canadian Reflections on War and Remembrance” in Lunenburg. This concert will launch the …

Acadia University Singers: “Singing IN Flanders Fields”

st john's anglican church lunenburg 64 Townsend Street, Lunenburg

On Friday, April 19, the Acadia University Singers will perform their concert program “Singing ‘In Flanders Fields’: Canadian Reflections on War and Remembrance” in Lunenburg. This concert will launch the …

Acadia University Singers: “Singing IN Flanders Fields”

Acadia University School of Music - Denton Hall

On Saturday, April 20, the Acadia University Singers will perform their concert program “Singing ‘In Flanders Fields’: Canadian Reflections on War and Remembrance” in Wolfville. This concert will launch the …