If you are organizing an event that you feel would be a great addition to the Events Calendar of the Nova Scotia Choral Federation, please log in as a member. Please note that the information submitted through this form will also be used when sending out the weekly ENotes eNewsletter.

Calendar of Events

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Tunes and Treats – Coastal Voices

1 event,


all things in time – Manning Chapel Choir

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Solomon – Dalhousie Collegium Cantorum

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Musique Royale: Ensemble Caprice “Hallelujah & Trumpets!”

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Sweet Serenade – Chebucto Community Singers

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Making the Walls Sing: A Workshop with Thomas Baeté, with polychoral music from the Venetian tradition

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4 events,


Acadia University Singers: “Singing IN Flanders Fields”

- Event Series

Acadia University Singers: “Singing IN Flanders Fields”


Acadia University Singers: “Singing IN Flanders Fields”

1 event,


Acadia University Singers: “Singing IN Flanders Fields”

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Sacred, Secular and Silly XVII – The Annapolis Valley Centre of the RCCO

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Singing Her Song – Cantabile Conductor’s Favourites

3 events,


Queen of Flowers – Galileo Chamber Choir

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Our Shining Night – Cape Breton Chorale