It’s that time of year! Membership Renewal
It’s Membership Renewal time!
You may have already received an email from us letting you know that your NSCF membership is set to expire August 31, 2019. Your NSCF Membership gives you access to our newsletter, member blog, and extensive choral library, and is a vital part of ensuring our programs and activities can continue to thrive and grow.
Please renew in one of the following ways:
Online via Paypal:
Phoning the office: 902-423-4688 and paying via VISA Mastercard (*Please note out office closure: August 12-16, CLOSED for choir camp, August 18-23, limited hours).
Stopping by the Office at 1113 Marginal Road (*Please note out office closure: August 12-16, CLOSED for choir camp, August 18-23, limited hours. Call ahead to ensure we are home!).
Stopping by the Office at 1113 Marginal Road
Mailing a cheque to 1113 Marginal Road, Halifax, NS, B3H 4P7
Important: If your contact information has changed in the last year (such as: You have a new choir director), please be sure to fill out our Membership Form:
This ensures that all of our information for you is up to date.