NSCF Welcomes Anne MacDonald as Program Coordinator

Anne MacDonald is a graduate of Acadia University with a Bachelor of Arts and Mount Saint Vincent
University with a Certificate in Marketing. Originally from Cape Breton, music has always been a
significant influence in Anne’s life. Having played piano since the age of 8, she was an active member of
her community at a young age providing accompaniment in her community church choir and playing at
school. She has completed Grade 8 Royal Conservatory in Piano and continues to share this love of
music as a piano teacher in Tantallon, NS.
Anne has worked in several organizations since making the Halifax area her home. She has been
involved in Sales and Marketing in the hotel industry, spent several years working in recruitment and
retention as well as running a home based childcare and tutoring business for several years. Music has
always been her passion, however, and she has consistently found herself drawn to organizations that
work with the Arts.
Anne has seen firsthand the benefits of the Nova Scotia Choral Federation as all three of her children are
involved in music. Her oldest child was part of All City choirs over many years. She has seen the value of
the choral experience, choir camps and the life lessons these opportunities provide. She feels fortunate
to be part of an organization that can continue to promote and share these musical experiences for
others in years to come.
Anne has been a volunteer within her community in planning large fundraisers, leading community
groups and providing day to day support for field trips / in the classroom at the local schools. As her
children get older, she spends lots of time driving them to their activities and supporting their interests.
Her family enjoys camping, spending time at their family cottage in Cape Breton and the beach. Anne is
also an avid baker and enjoys any opportunity to sit with a good book. As a former runner (she
completed a marathon in 2014) she also loves the outdoors, hiking and biking.