Ancient River Festival Pop Up Choir – Thank You!
Huge thanks to everyone who made our Ancient River Pop Up Choir event such a heartwarming success. We had 35 choristers participate in the workshop, led by Cantabile Singers of Truro’s artistic director Chris Bowman. Cantabile performed a full set of Robbie Songs at the festival, which was named after one of Robbie’s songs. The finale was a group effort between the workshop participants and Cantabile for a lovely 70 person chorus singing “The Last Song” arranged by Donna Rhodenizer who was part of the chorus.
Stay tuned for more exciting news from the Robbie Songs Project as we prepare to release a full length digital recording of the best tracks from our Apr 29 and 30th concerts through Leaf Music Distribution.
Kathleen – Robbie Songs Project
Photo Credits: Heather Ingram Kaiser and Mimi Champagne.