Audition for Nova Scotia Youth Choir!
Nova Scotia Youth Choir applications are NOW OPEN!

The Nova Scotia Choral Federation is ecstatic to celebrate the 30th Anniversary of the Nova Scotia Youth Choir! Through auditions, approximately 40 singers ages 16-25 will be chosen to work with a faculty of fine musicians dedicated to excellence in vocal performance and musicianship. They will provide them a challenging opportunity to work, develop and perform choral music together at a very high calibre.
This year, choristers will be working with Dr. Christina Murray, artistic director of Xara Choral Theatre Ensemble and head of choral studies at Dalhousie University.
Christina holds an honours undergraduate degree in music (voice/conducting) and philosophy from Mount Allison University, has done graduate work in feminist liturgical practices, and has subsequently studied conducting with Diane Loomer, Jon Washburn, Michael Zaugg, and Elise Bradley. Also an active and accomplished choral singer, as a young person she was selected for two tours with the National Youth Choir of Canada and has frequently sung with the Canadian Chamber Choir since 2007.
Christina served as head of choral studies at Kodaikanal International School in South India from 2002-2004 and has twice served as resident conductor of the Nova Scotia Youth Choir (2005-06 and 2017-18). She is dedicated to the vibrant future (and present!) of choral music in her province and nation.
Important Dates & Info:
Application Deadline: March 31, 2020
Audition Dates: April 18, 2020 (Overflow Date April 19, 2020), Dalhousie Arts Centre
Video Audition Deadline: April 18th, 2020
Visit our Website for complete details
Key Contact: Progams Coordinator, Ryan Henwood, / 902-423-4688. Ryan will help you with all things NSYC!