National Survey for Choirs – Canada Council for the Arts

Choir/Choruses/Singing Groups/Composers Survey

Strengths, Challenges and New Opportunities

This survey is part of a project designed to determine the major challenges choirs, choruses, singing groups and composers are currently facing, as well as to help identify what gaps there are in choir programming and governance. This survey will also provide some preliminary insight into what new opportunities are available and what toolkits are needed to help meet these challenges.

Choirs at all levels and composers across the country are seeing new opportunities in exploring the creation and use of new and shared digital content and resources. (This does NOT include unauthorized sharing of copyrighted material.)This survey and project will help inform decision making and provide strategic guidance to allow for a quick and successful transition to our “new normal”. 

National and provincial choral organizations, artists, composers, schools, and various arts organizations across Canada will be invited to complete this survey which asks questions about “Digital Offerings”, in particular during COVID.  Questions on topics such as: What digital tactics have been used? How have they been monetized, if at all?  How and with whom have these been shared? Have they resulted in changes in audience connections? What financial and human resource barriers have you encountered?

There are new resources needed to increase the digital literacy of choral organizations.  This could take the form of “toolkits” or a national database to help organize access to current and future content. The hope is that these resources will help leverage digital technologies to inform innovative programming, new ways of marketing and funding, and a transformation of audience engagement as they return to live performances. Your collaboration through the completion of this survey will greatly assist in helping the choral and other arts sectors towards understanding these goals.

Some questions are designed for singing organizations to answer and some are more generic and can be answered by both choirs and independent composers. Composers associated with singing organizations can of course answer all questions. Independent composers not associated with a specific organization will be directed to certain parts of the survey.

The survey will take approximately 15 minutes of your time. As a token of appreciation for your time, after completing the survey you can enter into a draw to win one of the prizes: 

– A gift certificate for $100 from Cypress Music Publishers 

– A $50 gift certificate from Long and McQuade

Deadline: Wed. November 9, 2022 

Complete the survey today!

If you have any questions, or if you experience any technical issues, please don’t hesitate to contact us directly at: Victoria Glizer at or charles c. smith at

This project is supported with funding from the Canada Council for the Arts. 

The Creative Nova Scotia Leadership Council – Call for Volunteers

Elevating the arts and culture through leadership and partnership

The Creative Nova Scotia Leadership Council (CNSLC)

Needs YOU…

Your voice, perspective, lived experience, and cultural expertise are needed. If you are a Nova Scotian interested in growing and strengthening the culture sector through strategic planning, brainstorming, and innovation, you are urged to apply to join this dedicated and passionate group of arts and culture leaders.

We are seeking 4 new volunteer council members to join our table of cultural and creative industry leaders representing the province’s ethnic, cultural and regional diversity.

What is the CNSLC all about:

The Creative Nova Scotia Leadership Council is legislated to play a key role in promoting arts and culture and enabling the success of creative industries. As such the council:

  • serves as a consultative body to the Nova Scotia government on matters of cultural policy and cultural sector development;
  • aims to enhance cultural activity through research and consultation, investment, promotion, and preservationadvises and makes recommendations to the Minister of Communities, Culture and Heritage on matters important to Nova Scotia’s creative sector.

The perspectives of those involved daily in arts and culture activities are invaluable to our province. With Council’s insight, government can develop policies that benefit artists and grow the creative economy

For more information, please click here to see a more detailed call for applications and check out our website at

Deadline for applications: December 1, 2022

Requiem by Gabriel Fauré

This Saturday, October 15, at 7pm, join the Cantabile Choirs for a classical music showcase at First United, including a performance of Requiem by Gabriel Fauré.  After a tumultuous time in the life of Nova Scotians, this is a great opportunity to rest and reflect while enjoying some great music.  The Cantabile Singers, Cantabile Children’s Choirs, Calliope Vocal Ensemble, and special guest organist Wayne Rogers will offer a variety of music that will inspire and delight.  This is also an opportunity to showcase the talents of a number of our singers.  There will be moments of reflection as well as moments of fun!  Tickets are $20 ($5 students), available from choristers, and from the First United Church office (weekdays).

HGMC – Open Rehearsals for the Month of September

The Halifax Gay Men’s Chorus is having open rehearsals for the month of September. Anyone is welcome to come and check us out on Thursday evenings from 7-9:30 pm at St. Andrew’s United Church, Halifax. Please contact our membership director at in advance so we can have a music packet ready for you.

Farewell to Ryan Henwood

After a very exciting return of Sing Summer 2022 and a very successful three years with the NSCF, Ryan has resigned as Program Coordinator to begin his new career as a music educator. Ryan has accepted a fulltime position teaching music at Oxford School in Halifax. Congratulations Ryan! Ryan is also a director at Choirs for Change and Assistant Director of the Halifax Gay Men’s Chorus. Although we will miss Ryan here at NSCF we wish you all the best and look forward to working with you as an extremely active and dedicated member of our choral community!

Welcome to our NSCF Board for 2022-23

Following our AGM in August at Adult Choir Camp, we would like to welcome new and returning NSCF Board members. We have an exciting time ahead of us and are looking forward to a healthy and productive choral season. For more information about the NSCF Board of Directors please visit Here

Dalhousie Chorus Accepting New Members

The Dalhousie Chorus is coming back to life this year! The Chorus is looking for tenors and basses to help fill our ranks. We are especially interested in high school tenors and basses who love to sing and are possibly interested in studying music in the future and are looking for another level of experience, expanding their singing experience. However, we are also very interested in any tenors and basses from the community who would like to help us bolster our chorus! With exciting rep this fall by Gjeilo, Vasks, and the amazing Kerry Andrew and the Duruflé Requiem this winter, the chorus will begin its next chapter with its new conductor John Bogardus. Rehearsals are held at the Dalhousie Arts Center in the Fountain School of Performing Arts on Mondays and Wednesdays from 4:30 pm until 6:00 pm.

For auditions, please contact John Bogardus at

NSCF Elects New Members to the Board

Welcome to our returning and new members of the NSCF Board. On Tuesday, August 23, 2022, at the NSCF AGM we welcomed the following new Board Members: Leslie Ann Andrews, (Sydney) Election; Andrew Cranston (Middleton) Election; Heather Fraser (Bedford) Election; Laura Moore (Halifax) Election; Kevin Parks (Halifax) Election; Kaitlin Wilcox, Halifax

Welcome also to returning Board Members:
Tom Black (Halifax) Reelection
Jacqueline Chambers (Truro) Reelection
Spencer Gough (Halifax) Reelection
Wendy LaPierre, President, (Kentville) Completing second year of two year term
Laura Beth Smith (Lower Sackville) Reelection
Norm Scrimger Past President One Year Term
Greg MacCleod, Treasurer, (Dartmouth) Completing second year of two year term
Jacqueline Chambers, (Valley), Completing second year of two year term

We would also like to thank departing board members Christopher Bowman and Danielle LeVangie for their years of service!

For more information about our Board Member please visit here.