NSCF Notice of Annual General Meeting

Tuesday, August 23, 2022,
6:00 pm,
Berwick United Church Camp,
115 Commercial Street, Berwick, NS
(If you are not attending Adult Choir Camp or have not signed up for meals at camp, to include dinner at a cost of $12.00 at 5:00 PM please RSVP to tim@nscf.ca or 902 423-4688)
Election of Officers
Each year the Nominating Committee selects a slate of nominees for their individual skills, expertise and their willingness to devote the time required for committee work and Federation business. The committee also strives for the widest possible provincial representation. If you are interested in nominating someone to our Board of Directors the deadline for nominations is August 9, 2022. The procedure is as follows:
Members will submit motions of nominations any time up to 14 days prior to the Annual General Meeting. Motions must be made in writing, signed by the mover and the seconder, and delivered to the Federation office. The nominee must deliver signed acceptance by the deadline and provide biographical information suitable for reproduction or distribution to Annual General Meeting delegates.